Why You Need a Canada Immigration Focused Law Attorney?

Whether you're thinking about immigrating to Canada, or if you've already been granted permission to settle in Canada, you'll need to find a good Canada Immigration Focused Law attorney to help you navigate the process. Whether you've got a serious criminal record, or you're trying to get into the country to work, you'll need to make sure you have a lawyer who knows what he or she is doing. For more info, Visit here.

Can you get into Canada with a DUI?

  • Getting into Canada with a DUI isn't impossible, but it's a good idea to make sure you know your limitations and have some backup plans in case you're denied entry. The process can be confusing, but an experienced immigration lawyer can help make the process easier and less stressful.
  • The first step is to decide whether or not you qualify for Criminal Rehabilitation. This is a waiver that will make you eligible to travel to Canada without having a criminal record. The only requirement is that you must prove that you don't pose a danger to public safety in Canada.
  • You can also apply for a Temporary Resident Permit, which allows you to enter Canada temporarily if you've been convicted of a DUI. This will vary depending on your situation but will generally be granted for humanitarian reasons. It is valid for a specified period of time and may be issued to you for a business meeting or conference.

Can you claim Deemed Rehabilitation if the offense was before Canada changed their laws?

  • Currently, a DUI is considered a serious crime in Canada. This offense can be punishable by up to ten years in jail. However, if the offense occurred before December 18, 2018, the person may be able to qualify for Deemed Rehabilitation.
  • In order to qualify for Deemed Rehabilitation Canada, you must have one or more misdemeanors on your criminal record that do not meet the criteria of a serious crime in Canada. If you have a felony or serious criminality, you may not be able to enter Canada. However, you may be eligible for Deemed Rehabilitation after five or ten years, depending on the offense.
  • You may be able to apply for Deemed Rehabilitation if your DUI offense occurred before December 18, 2018. You may also be able to qualify if you have only one misdemeanor on your criminal record.
  • You may also qualify for Deemed Rehabilitation if you have an offense that was summarily prosecuted. The offense must have been prosecuted more than 10 years ago. You must also complete a MADD Victim Impact Panel before you cross the border.

Costs of hiring an immigration lawyer

  • Getting legal assistance with an immigration case can be expensive. This can be because of the complexity of the rules and regulations. Some cases are more complicated than others, and they require more time to complete. Getting a legal professional can help you avoid deportation or denial.
  • When hiring an immigration attorney, it is important to compare the different fees. Many attorneys charge a fixed fee, while others charge hourly rates.
  • An hourly rate is usually between $150 and $300. Some attorneys charge more if they have a large practice or have a high level of experience. In addition, the location of the law firm plays a role in the cost. It is also important to compare fees between law firms.
  • An immigration attorney's fees can range from $250 to $500 per hour. Some attorneys also charge a retainer. The retainer is an up-front fee that is equal to several hours of work.

Legal ethics of an immigration lawyer

  • Practicing immigration law involves a number of ethical issues. A lawyer must keep client information confidential. It is also important to obtain client consent before making any decision regarding an immigration matter.
  • The duties of an attorney vary depending on the state in which the attorney practices. Some states have adopted the Model Code of Professional Responsibility. Other states use their own rules. If a lawyer fails to follow their state's rules, they may be suspended from practicing.
  • Ethics for an immigration lawyer can be complex because of the federal administrative law that governs the practice. This can include the Immigration and Nationality Act, which contains many laws that apply to assisting immigrants.
  • One of the most common ethical complaints against lawyers is failure to communicate with clients. An attorney must set communication rules from the beginning of the case. This includes written consent forms that can be used for both disclosure and written consent.


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