Applying For Citizenship in Canada

Applying for Citizenship in Canada  citizenship lawyer

Whether you're a citizen of Canada or a permanent resident, if you're thinking about applying for citizenship, you'll need to know what you need to do and how you can do it. You'll also need to know how much you'll have to pay to get your citizenship, for better understanding, visit

Reapplying for citizenship

  • Whether you're considering reapplying for citizenship in Canada, or you have recently passed the test, you must be prepared to meet the requirements. This is because you must show evidence of your proficiency in the English or French language, and you must demonstrate an understanding of Canada's history and government.
  • The official citizenship process starts with an application, and you must be ready to pay the application fees. These fees are non-refundable once the processing begins.
  • The citizenship application package includes all the necessary forms and documents to complete your application. It also includes an instruction guide to help you complete the forms and documents. You can download the package from the Canadian government's website, or you can purchase the kit from any of the many immigration consultants that offer this service.
  • It's important to note that you may not be eligible for citizenship if you have recently spent time in jail. You may also be denied entry if you have unpaid alimony payments or traffic fines.


  • Earlier this year, the Canadian government announced a fee increase for applying for citizenship in Canada. It went on to say that the change was long overdue.
  • The increase is effective starting on January 1, 2015, and will not affect those who apply prior to this date. Some fees will decrease under the new changes. The Citizenship and Immigration Department estimates that the processing costs for a citizenship application will be $555. This is a significant increase over the $300 fee that the government had previously charged.
  • IRCC says that the fee increase will help the agency remain financially solvent. However, opposition members have criticized the move. They argue that the increase will discourage immigrants from applying for citizenship. The agency has never fully recovered its processing costs.
  • The government is trying to address the backlog of citizenship applications. It has pledged to reduce the time it takes to process citizenship applications to 12 months in the next fiscal year.

Requirements for permanent residents

  • Obtaining Canadian citizenship is a significant step toward integrating into Canadian society. As a citizen, you are able to vote, participate in politics and enjoy a variety of other benefits. In addition, obtaining Canadian citizenship can increase your employment opportunities. If you are interested in becoming a citizen, here are some of the requirements you will need to meet.
  • The first requirement for Canadian citizenship is to be a permanent resident. As a permanent resident, you are entitled to free health care and social services. You may also sponsor dependent children.
  • You may also need to take a citizenship test. This test is typically given in French or English and requires 20 questions. Applicants must then attend an interview. If you have special needs, you will need to tell the office about them.
  • To be eligible for Canadian citizenship, you must be a permanent resident for at least three years. Children under 18 may not have to meet this requirement.

Requirements for children born to Canadian parents

  • Unlike some countries, Canada does not impose special requirements for children born to Canadian parents when applying for citizenship. However, there are several benefits associated with being a Canadian citizen. Almost all Canadians are citizens at birth and the government grants full citizenship to children born on Canadian soil. These benefits include the right to vote, stand for office in the local municipal governments and provincial legislative assemblies, and enlist in the Canadian Armed Forces.
  • Children born in Canada who are not Canadian citizens must apply for citizenship. This is not a difficult process, but a number of factors must be considered. Some people who live in Canada without knowing they lack citizenship will have a hard time proving their status.
  • If you are unsure whether you are a Canadian citizen, you can apply for a certificate of citizenship. This is not a travel document, but it will allow you to visit and live in Canada. You can also apply to replace a certificate that was lost or stolen.


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